Friday, January 14, 2011

Motorcycle Vlogging... Uh Oh...

Yeah... I'm another Blogger/Website writer (I hate the word webmaster!) gettin' that itch. I've been studyin' it for a while... and seriously looking at moving into a regular Motorcycle Vlogging effort. I've been thinking of things I could do with it... the opportunity for having some pretty good times...

... as well as looking at the $$$ cost of getting set up in a way I can do what I think would be a good job.

A "Hero Go Pro" camera is nigh on to $300 bucks... a second small camera suited to mount inside my helmet; which in my case, 'cause of my big freakin' nose... will require a fresh helmet! :o) and a few other odds and ends...

In my research of what other people have done so far... One of the things I've seen, among the current crop of Motorcycle Vloggers, is far too many people just ridin' down the road with little thought about what they're doing... talkin' about nuthin'... and not really producing anything useful...

Right there, to my mind... is the dangerous part of Blogging, not to mention Vlogging, ... at least if you don't pay attention to it...

The dangerous thing I see in it is; Ego...

Let's face it... who am I to criticize what other folks are doing? So the next words here... are addressed to myself as much as anyone.

It's too easy to just hang your face... or your Blog/Vlog on the net... and think you're something special... but you ain't! You're (I am) just another person among something better than 6 billion pushin' and shovin' to get by...

So... What's my point?

My Point is this... if you're not gonna share something of value... if all you're gonna do is make some noise, thinking anyone wants to hear that... then why bother? The world has enough noise... why not, since you're there anyway, and making the video any way... why not, put out a lil' more effort, a lil' more thought, and actually create something people can use?

So... That's what I'm thinkin' about and workin' on these days... I've already built a few videos at this point. Those are mostly information type stuff... but creating them, kind of tickled my imagination. I can see Lots of room for improvement... and I've got lots of ideas for some videos that I think... in my ego :o) ... some riders might find useful... and then... I've got a few whacked out ideas... that would be just a flat out hoot to build.

So... as soon as I can fit the required equipment into my sorry, anemic budget... I'm gonna throw my helmet into the Motorcycle Video Blogging ring... and see if I can do a respectable job...

Grab Your Handles and Ride!

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