Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Keeping Scooters Shod in the Sticks

They promised it only takes 4 days to order a tire in. It was ordered last Tuesday... Today is Next Tuesday. hmmm... lets see... tues, wed, thurs, fri, sat, sun, mon, tues...that's four days right? ;)

It's only taken a full week and a day for a fresh front tire to get to the motorcycle shop in Kalispell. Of course, when I talked to the shop yesterday afternoon, it wasn't actually there yet. It was sitting on a truck in Missoula... So I'm hoping the tire beats me to Kalispell. 'cause if I ride up there and it ain't there... I'm going to be looking at the air in this old tire on the ride home without it!

But... where's the adventure in waiting until you KNOW things are juuuuust right... Right? :)

It's easy to forget that though I might ride a Yamaha, there still aren't a whole lot of Roadstar Raiders around. My Raider may be an awesome machine, but they haven't yet flooded the market. 'bout all you ever see is one or two sitting in a showroom.

The tire sizes it's shod with keep 'em from being carried in stock with a lot of options... if at all. So ordering in when your scooter needs retiring is the name of the game. NOT a good thing when you're a dyed in the wool procrastinator...

That's why, when I rode to Alaska, knowing I was going to need fresh rubber mid ride, I had 'em pre-ordered and waiting when I got to Anchorage. (one of the few times I've actually defeated my procrastination faults.)

I made some half hearted attempts the past bit of this circle across eastern Washington... but since I wasn't in the mood to lay up there it didn't happen. North Idaho had lakes and woods and huckleberries ... but was devoid of Yamaha Raider Tires...

By the time I got to western Montana... the ugliness of that Avon up front was not to be denied any longer... I found the place to order and sat down to wait...

If the freight outfit does its job as promised I'll be rolling into the scooter shop in Kalispell at four this afternoon to get fresh rubber mounted on the front end... if Not... I'll be rolling in to find out I get to test the endurance of a dying Avon tire... on the 90 mile ride home. :)

I'm curious to see how a new tire performs... turning the right direction this time. Maybe I'll even make more sustainable progress... if my tire ain't going in reverse! :)

Grab Your Handles and Ride


Trobairitz said...

So....... did you get the tire?

Sash Johnson said...

Yes, yes. . . Well? Did it come?