Monday, June 16, 2014

Blown Off The Saddle

I ran some "last minute" errands" through the morning. I'd decided to leave a day earlier and make a wider circle.

My heart was strong and anticipation high. A week in the wind is a joyful ride.

An hour or so after I got back "home"... I walked back over to the garage with my water bladder and canteens... to finish loading and to check the tire pressure in anticipation of an early morning departure...

When I kneeled down at the front wheel the first thing I saw was a puddle of oil on the high side of the rim... WTF?!

When my eyes moved... they saw the oil all over BOTH forks... brakes... wheel... even a small spot on the ground... 

Apparently, during my morning errand run both seals blew... and blew big. :( 

My ride to the Grand Canyon is over before I rode a mile of it.

The seals which were, I must admit, weepy... and I was hoping I could milk just a little longer... Blew without mercy.

I am grounded now... until I either pony up the $300 plus for shop repair or learn to do it myself...
... either way... I won't be putting it in the wind THIS week.

One more hit... I'll power on through... I always do. That's what I was taught, and how I am... but it's getting harder.

I have been "powering through" since I watched my father die... when I was three... and yes... though they say a three year old cannot remember such things... I can describe in detail that day... as a shocked sister can attest...

59 years since then... hit after hit that either rip the soul in obscene ways I can't speak... or bruise the spirit with beating after beat down... never a respite... never the time to catch your breath... 

... Damn... so... I'll get drunk... I'll get mad... and I'll scream at the Devil, daring that red headed bastard to show his face...

But I know that back stabbing coward won't come... so... I'll stand up... put one foot in front of the other and fight my way around this newest obstacle...

... but each difficulty takes longer, the effort takes more... it truly sucks.

Grab Your Handles and Ride


Trobairitz said...

For some reason I picture Yosemite Sam stomping around cussing as what you might have looked like when you discovered the seals.

Bummer it happened just before the big trip, better than during I guess.

Two steps forward, three steps back - and the dance continues.

Unknown said...

Oh Brian:

What a letdown. A planned trip, now beyond reach but it was fate that it failed NOW and not During which would have been more catastrophic.

I know it'll work out, it always does. it will be ready for the next one . . .

Riding the Wet Coast